Greenways are linear parks with trails that connect neighborhoods while giving users a place for exercise and an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. They are often located along natural areas like streams and rivers or along railroad and utility corridors. These linear parks provide greenspace for conservation, recreation, and alternative off-street transportation, while also providing habitat for wildlife.
Greenways provide all citizens barrier-free access to natural resources and recreational opportunities.
Nashville’s greenways are primarily based along our eight major water corridors: the Cumberland River, Browns Creek, Harpeth River, Stones River, Mill Creek, Richland Creek, Seven Mile Creek and Whites Creek.
Greenways are:
In demand by Nashvillians and visitors
Developed through cooperation with the community
Built by Metro Parks and overseen by the Greenways Commission, which advises the Park Board
Supported by Greenways for Nashville, a private-sector nonprofit friends group
Why Are They Important?
Greenways are an essential component for the economic and environmental vitality of Nashville. Greenways are created to:
Build a network of trails and open spaces in Davidson County, linking neighborhoods, schools, parks and commercial areas.
Provide readily accessible recreational options in a natural setting, enhancing the health of Nashvillians.
Support conservation of natural resources including wetlands, floodplains, plant and wildlife habitat, thereby improving air and water quality in our city.
Provide alternative transportation routes and connectivity as a component of Metro’s multi-modal transportation system.